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Guide to Manuscripts in the Monasteries of Mt. Athos

This guide describes selected religious texts written in Armenian, Greek, Arabic, Georgian, and Syriac, and other languages in the monasteries of Mount Athos microfilmed for the Library of Congress and the International Greek New Testament Project in 1952-53.

The guide also contains listings of photoreproductions of other manuscripts in the monasteries of Mt. Athos, prepared by Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts), Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes (Paris, France), and the Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (Berlin, Germany). It was originally compiled under the general direction of Ernest W. Saunders, representative of the Library of Congress for the selection and microfilming of the manuscripts at Mt. Athos in the 1950's.

This online guide, was produced under the auspices of the Bibliographic Enrichment Advisory Team (BEAT) of the Library of Congress as part of the BeCites+ Project in 2003-2004, with the cooperation of staff from the African and Middle Eastern Division, the European Division, and the Humanities and Social Sciences Division. It contains the full text of the now out-of-print publication, A descriptive checklist of selected manuscripts in the monasteries of Mount Athos... published by the Library of Congress Photoduplication Service in 1957 (Catalog Record: 57060041, augmented with directions for viewing the materials at the Library or requesting copies from the Photoduplication Service of the Library of Congress.



Athos monastery of Simonopetra

Athos Monastery of Simonopetra
From the Arnold Genthe Collection
Prints and Photographs Division
Reproduction Number: LC-G4085- 0258

Guide to Manuscripts in the Monasteries of Mt. Athos

Table of Contents

Viewing or Ordering Copies of Manuscripts
Foreward to the 1957 edition
Manuscript Reproductions available at LC
      Monastery of Dionysios
      Monastery of Iviron
      Monastery of The Lavra
      Monastery of Pantokrator            [Pant]
      Monastery of Stravroniketa           [Stavr.]
      Monastery of Vatopedi                 [Vat.]
      Monastery of Iviron
      Anatolia College, Salonika
Other Collections

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  July 28, 2006
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