The following images and comments are meant to supplement

materials on this website. Usually I watermark the image or

insert a hidden code! Click on a "subject" to jump to it.



Professor Eta Linnemann

Dr. Reuben Swanson

Dr. Maurice Robinson

Reverand Joe B. Mason

Pastor Dee L. McCroskey

Pastor Vernon Schutz

Professor James A. Sanders

Dr. Trianos Gagos to return to the main/home page





Professor Eta Linnemann (1926 - 2009)

When two of her published works were published by Kregel Publications:

and I was quite impressed by both publications.

Eta Linnemann passed quietly away on May 5, 2009. She was quite famous for suddenly

(after converting to Christianity) quitting her professorship (s) in Germany to follow the

Lord Jesus Christ. She HAD been programmed by R. Bultmann. Her conversion

disturbed German (and others) scholarship. To save space I prepared

a 12 page PDF file on her history and her testimony.

You may read/download it by clicking on this link:



Dr. Reuben Swanson,

Circa 1999. These images taken while he was finishing GALATIANS.

click for larger image

Image above is of Reuben and me having a chat after lunch. Reuben is clean

shaven! The next image is Reuben on the phone and he is actually calling

in corrections to the proof sheets of Galatians! This is an interesting image.

click for larger image

On Reuben's left is his computer monitor, and to the left of it

is his film reader. Note the film hanging down from the reader! Reuben did

not use spools (he was missing them). The film simply hung down to his

cement garage floor. Now this room, is/was a garage attached to his home

in Camarillo, California (he later moved to Ohio). This room was not temper-

ature controlled, and this was where he kept his films! He did not use gloves

when handling his films, and he would often cut his film into short strips of

5-10 frames each because his film viewer did not rotate! It is no wonder that

his films rapidly degraded. This degradation is one of the reasons why

Reuben made/makes so many errors in his work. Some of his films he ac-

quired while he was in N. Carolina, circa 1969-70. When he began doing

Acts and the Pauline epistles, he lacked such films, and relied upon the

ABMC and Mr. Dykes for these resources. These films provided by Mr.

Dykes and the ABMC, were usually of good quality, and Reuben's error rate

declined -- in his works from ROMANS onward.


One good point -- he entered his data onto his computer as he read directly

from his microfilm reader, so it was a live copying. He did not record the

reading and then later add it, nor did he first do a full collation -- everything

was done in "real time" so to speak. He inserted all his data into pre-

prepared templates he made in Microsoft's Word for the Mac. This method

is fast, but does require a proof-reader, and Dr. Swanson did not utilize a

proof reader, even when one volunteered.

click for larger image

Reuben has passed on some of his remaining work to Dr. Kent Clark of

Trinity Western University of British Columbia, Canada. Dr. Swanson was

hard at work finishing up the Pauline epistles (circa 2008).

Dr. Swanson died 3 weeks before his 92nd birthday on March 23, 2009.

For much more information

and behind-the-scenes "stuff" about Reuben, go to the large HTML file in

my "Archives [link]" page.

Dr. Maurice Robinson


A former student of the late Kenneth W. Clark (1898-1979), Dr. Robinson

today carries on his research and teaching at The Southeastern Baptist

Theological Seminary in North Carolina. In 2016, Dr. Robinson retired, yet is very busy doing

valuable research, and writing articles for various theological journals.


click for larger image

In the above image he is in his study at the University. When my wife and I

had dinner with him and his wife, I sooned learned that he indeed is fluent in

at least four languages! He is one of the foremost Biblical scholars in America.

It is wonderful to visit and discuss TC issues with him, he rarely "fires from

the hip", his answers exhibit his caution and wisdom.


Reverand Joe B. Mason


click for larger image


One of the very first dispensational Bible studies I attended, was in 1980 in

Hemet, California. The teacher was the late Joe B. Mason. He drove 40 miles one way

to try to build up this small group. The meeting was in a Bible book store,

operated and owned by friends of Reverand Mason - Bob and Jan McQueen.

At those informal studies, I heard for the very first time in my life,

sound Biblical teaching which agreed with the actual Biblical text. The

concept was simple, just recognize who was writng each Biblical passage, to whom,

when it was written and from whom. Basic reading 101, which when Joe was

exposed to this simple method, it made his and my Bible study a JOY.


Joe B. Mason was the founder of PRISON MISSION ASSOCIATION, (PMA) which

he founded in 1955. He also founded Bible Correspondence Fellowship,

and a division of PMA - the Service Men's Division.

organizations which minister to prison inmates and military

personel. One of the features of PMA,

(the mission) was progressive Bible studies, done via correspondence.

Each study was accompianied with a test. There is no way to

ascertain the impact Reverand Joe had with those he served.

But I am fairly certain a crown awaits this fine example of a Christian soldier.


Joe was born in 1910, and was married

twice, lastly since 1972 to to Ada.

At the age of 23, in the Texas panhandle, Joe realized that he was

(in his words) a failure. He had dropped out of college, had a

taste for the wild life, and a drinking problem, Joe

had thought seriously of taking his life; even though

at age 13 he was baptized and attended Sunday school, he

had drifted far away from the Bible and its eternal truths. Traveling

west on the railways, he reached California, and

it was in California, in which Joe Mason's life changed for the better.

After working in the insurance business, most of his early

ministry was centered in Arizona and then

Riverside California. He associated with the Grace Gospel Churches,

in fact it was Pastor (in Mineral Wells, Texas) R. B. Shiflet

who first impressed Joe with "right division" in studying the Bible, who opened Joe's eyes

to how to read the Bible, a very simple method, basically that same method

which one intuitively uses when reading anything, say a newspaper.

Joe shared these simple truths, this same method with all

folks who were privileged to meet him, or to recieive one

of his many many letters. The late

R. B. Shiflet was a staunch Grace Gospel teacher/pastor - (Some

of his writings appear on my "On Dispensationalism" link on this site).



Pastor Dee L. (Lawrence) McCroskey

Born September 6, 1902, went to his home above, September 28, 1991


click for larger image


Pictured above, from left, Dee's wife Ethel, Evangelist S. Lee Homoki, and

Pastor Dee McCroskey. Picture circa 1989. A disciple of Nels Thompson (who

himself was converted under the teachings of Harry Ironside). Nels eventually

accepted the Grace Gospel position (apparently similar to that as

taught by Charles F. Baker). Nels founded several assemblies,

beginning in Oakland California. Dee McCroskey succeeded Nels as

leader of these assemblies. More churches were added in California, Oregon

and Arizona.

Dee had experience in printing, and set up

shop in Portland Oregon, in 1936. In 1941 an assembly was organized, and one of its

functions was printing, the ministry was called "Gospel Tract Distributors".

They also began printing "Outside the Camp" which later became

"Last Day Messenger".

If you attended the annual Rose Bowl Parade in Pasadena, California from the

1960s to 1989, you were probably given a tract printed by Gospel Tract Distributors.

The monthly newsletter/teaching journal "Last Day Messenger", remained in

print until 1990! Dee McCroskey was (to date) the only dispensational preacher in the

Portland/Vancouver area. When he passed away, the church in North Portland

(Interstate Bible Chapel) moved away from his teachings. They moved to

a more popular form of limited dispensationalism.

It will be a joy to see Dee again! Until that day, he is missed.

Click here to view two of his great articles,



Pastor Vernon Schutz

Vernon left this earth on March 31, 2005


click for larger image


Pictured above, from the right: Dave Rachoy, Jim Carlson, Pastor Vernon Schutz,

and Chuck O'Connor. Pictured at a Grace Gospel Fellowship convention in

Oregon, circa 1989.

Pastor Vernon Schutz is a GREAT pastor, and a staunch defender of the

Grace position. One of his most effective stands has been his fine

writing abilities. He has written numerous good booklets clarifying

the dispensational truths. Such as "Three Bible Churches", "Tongues

and the Sign Gifts", "Water Baptism, Its History, Importance, and Cessation".

His writing is powerful! You can still order his publications at:

Bible Doctrines to Live By, Inc.

web page: Email:, or

phone (616) 785-3681 - in Michigan.

The last I heard of him, was that he was still pastoring a growing Grace

Church in the state of Washington, I trust he continues to edify many!

His booklet "Three Bible Churches" is highly recommended. Clearly he

displays THREE churches (ekklesias) in the Scriptures, three

different groups, each instituted by God! This booklet will help

those who are confused by the meaning of the word "church" and the

use of the word today by various religions. The cost is still

under $4.00!

[After posting the above information, a brother in Oregon (Mr. Paul Rood)

informed me of Vernon Schutz's death, he will also be missed

but only for a while, then comes the great re-union!!]



Scroll down to view a copy of his obituary

Here is an image of the great Qumran scroll scholar,

click image to larger view:

Professor James A. Sanders yours truly is

seen beside him. This was taken circa 2007 in the Claremont Library.

Though born in Memphis Tennessee, on November 28, 1927, he was

still teaching a Wednesday night class the last time I spoke with him:

on Hebrew, of course!

He is an impressive person, and a joy to talk to.

An image from a serious pose! He is /was a key

background player in the releasing of the DSS images, and he steered the wonderful

patroness, Mrs. Elizabeth Hay Bechtel [deceased] towards serving the needs of the

world in funding the vast enterprise

which she (and her late husband) did fund. Mrs. Bechtel provided the funds to

photograph and preserve the DSS in America. She also funded the ABMC!

Professor Sanders first managed the ABMC and under him it became

a solid reservior wherein many Biblical manuscript images were/are

housed, protected and shared. This sharing opened the door for the true

blooming of Qumran scholarship. Thank you Dr. Sanders for your

quiet influence. Hids obituary is here in an image format: click to view



Dr. Trianos Gagos



Traianos Gagos
Traianos Gagos, professor of papyrology and Greek in the Department of Classical Studies and archivist at Hatcher Library, died suddenly April 26. He was 49. I understand that he had a fall on an interior stairway. (Tragic!).
Gagos came to University of Michigan in 1987 with his doctorate from the University of Durham, England, as visiting assistant research scientist to proofread the papyrus texts that a team of papyrologists at Duke University had fed into an Ibycus computer. In 1991 he was appointed associate archivist, in charge of the papyrus collection. U-M has the largest and most important collection of these documents and literary texts from the ancient world in this hemisphere.

He is missed!! He was a driving force behind the digital sharing of papyri documents from many United States Universities (and even European libraries). Via his energy and commitment, most of the Michigan library holdings of papyri are freely available online! We all are grateful for this man's tireless efforts. I first received 8 x 10 images from him in 1988, and ever since then he has been very helpful.]

At the same time, he began teaching modern Greek for the Department of Classical Studies. Largely thanks to years of his work in fundraising and outreach, LSA was able to create the position of chair of modern Greek literature in the Department of Classical Studies and to provide a full curriculum in modern Greek language, literature and culture. Without Gagos, his success in teaching and his connections to the Greek community, this never could have happened, colleagues say.
He came to U-M to be a papyrologist, however, not a modern Greek instructor. In 1995 he became assistant professor of papyrology and Greek. The first job of a papyrologist is to decipher and interpret these difficult, fragmentary bits of antiquity, and he did that with extraordinary skill, colleagues say. At the same time, he also labored to make U-M’s collection more accessible to both scholars and a broader public. From 2000-08 he was the director of the APIS project, which has made papyri available digitally. This was underscored when the American Society of Papyrologists asked him to edit its official periodical (2000-06). In 2002 he was elected president of the American Society of Papyrologists for three years. In 2007 he brought the triennial International Congress of Papyrology to Ann Arbor, marking Michigan’s leadership in the field.
Throughout his career, he was a connector. As a librarian, he made the collection more useful to scholars while making translations available online along with the texts, so that nonspecialists could see them and learn from them. He regularly gave enthusiastic tours of the collection to schoolchildren as well as to other visitors. He closely collaborated with the Kelsey Museum and with the Department of Near Eastern Studies. This collaboration became important for Gagos’ teaching of graduate and undergraduate students as well as for research, because he appreciated that the papyri needed to be understood in their archaeological context and that Greco-Roman Egypt was a complex and multicultural culture.
Colleagues say he was a superb graduate and undergraduate teacher, whether he was introducing advanced undergraduates to papyrological research, serving on dissertation committees in ancient history or teaching second-year ancient Greek. He also was a man of intense friendship, laughter, song and dance. His joy in life was contagious, friends say.
He is survived by his wife, Gina Soter. — Submitted by Ruth Scodel and Ludwig Koenen, Department of Classical Studies to return to the main/home page