following collations display the differences between the texts of Hodges
and Farstad
(2d ed., 1985):
Click on each sample image to view a page from each edition. The text is the end of Romans 14. Note that the Hodges/Farstad edition has a brief (but useful) apparatus. The Robinson/Pierpont text has no accents (in their first edition, which this is), and no apparatus. In view of their independent productions, we have an an amazing confirmation of the validity and form of the Majority Text, as it exists in the mass of Byzantine minuscules. Though Robinson/Pierpont display no apparatus, their text reflects years of careful preparations - much like the fabled Westcott/Hort text. |
.............ROBINSON/PIERPONT [1991
Note: the Robinson/Pierpont reading is shown FIRST,..followed by the Hodges/Farstad reading.
MOZILLA USERS, Greek/Symbol font below may not correctly display.
IE 6 and up views correctly, a PDF file which shows the fonts correctly
Minor/Editorial Variants [numbers indicate a total count]
[about 2,492 movable NU and SIGMA variations are seen]
mwsei ] mwsh (mwsh ] mwsei; mwushV ] mwshV; mwusewV ] mwsewV) = 14
adou ] aidou (adh ] aidh; adhV ] aidhV) = 11
mhpwV ] mh pwV = 10
mhge ] mh ge = 8
alla ] all (all ] alla) = 7
ina ti ] inati = 5
mh ti ] mhti = 4
eige ] ei ge = 3
errhqh ] erreqh (errhqhsan ] erreqhsan) = 3
uper ekperissou ] uperekperissou = 3
katamonaV ] kata monaV = 2
kaige ] kai ge = 2
uper lian ] uperlian = 2
bar iwna ] bariwna = 1
arage ] ara ge = 1
menounge ] menoun ge = 1
penthkonta triwn ] penthkontatriwn = 1
toiouton ] toiouto = 1
diapantoV ] dia pantoV = 1
eikositreiV ] eikosi treiV = 1
maran aqa ] marana qa = 1
men oun ] menoun = 1
which includes editorial mistakes
10.25 ekalesan ] epekalesan
11.16 etairoiV ] eteroiV
15.39 enebh ] anebh
19.5 [autou] ] --
19.26 [estin] ] --
21.30 deuterw ] eterw
24.27 estai [kai] ] estai --
26.9 [toiV] ] --
26.11 pantote gar touV ptwcouV ] touV ptwcouV gar pantote
4.30 omoiwswmen ] omoiwsomen
4.37 epeballen ] epebalen
6.16 [o] ] --
8.25 enebleyen ] anebleye
9.2 [ton] ] --
9.38 [o] ] --
10.2 [oi] ] --
10.31 [oi] ] --
11.4 [ton] ] --
14.12 etoimaswmen ] etoimasomen
14.68 oude ] oute
16.1 [h tou] --
1.36 th ] --
2.26 pneumatoV ] pneumati
3.10 poihsomen ] poihswmen
3.12 poihsomen ] poihswmen
3.14 poihsomen ] poihswmen
3.26 semei ] semeei
3.33 aram ] + tou iwram
3.34 qara ] qarra
4.4 [o] ] --
7.6 upo thn steghn mou ] mou upo thn steghn
7.12 [hn] ] --
7.37 [kai] ] --
8.3 sousanna ] swsanna
9.22 anasthnai ] egerqhnai
11.32 nineui ] nineuh
12.36 analush ] analusei
13.35 hxei ] hxh
14.24 [polloi gar eisin klhtoi oligoi de eklektoi] ] --
16.9 ekliphte ] ekleiphte
17.10 ofeilomen ] wfeilomen
19.4 [di] ] --
20.31 wsautwV wsautwV ] -- wsautwV
24.1 baqeoV ] baqewV
24.10 maria [h] ] maria --
1.29 [o iwannhV] ] --
1.42 [de] ] --
6.39 auto ] auton
6.39 [en] ] --
6.54 [en] ] --
6.70 [o ihsouV] ] --
8.1 ihsouV de ] kai o ihsouV
8.2 palin ] + baqewV
8.2 paregeneto ] hlqen o ihsouV
8.3 en ] + tw
8.4 legousin ] eipon
8.4 [peirazonteV] ] --
8.5 liqoboleisqai ] liqazein
8.6 mh prospoioumenoV ] --
8.7 erwtwnteV ] eperwtwnteV
8.7 anakuyaV ] anableyaV
8.7 proV autouV ] autoiV
8.7 ep authn ton liqon baletw ] liqon baletw ep authn
8.9 kai upo thV suneidhsewV elegcomenoi ] --
8.10 kai mhdena qeasamenoV plhn thV gunaikoV ] eiden authn kai
8.10 auth [gunai] ] -- gunai
8.10 ekeinoi ] --
8.39 [an] ] --
11.53 sunebouleusanto ] sunebouleusato
14.14 [me] ] --
14.20 kai egw ] kagw
15.13 twn ] --
15.16 dw ] dwh
15.24 ouk ] ouc
18.2 hdei ] hidei
18.37 [o] ] --
19.7 uion qeou ] qeou uion
19.26 idou ] ide
19.36 ap [ --
21.1 [autou] ] --
21.7 simwn oun ] simwn --
2.7 de panteV ] de --
2.37 poihsomen ] poihswmen
4.16 poihsomen ] poihswmen
4.17 apeilhsomeqa ] apeilhswmeqa
5.33 akouonteV ] akousanteV
7.14 suggeneian [autou] ] suggeneian --
7.38 logon ] logia
8.1 th ] tw
8.32 keirontoV ] keirantoV
9.18 [paracrhma] ] --
9.28 [kai ekporeuomenoV] ] --
9.36 tabhqa ] tabiqa
9.40 tabhqa ] tabiqa
10.26 auton hgeiren ] hgeiren auton
13.6 barihsouV ] barihsoun
13.27 [en] ] --
14.10 orqwV ] orqoV
18.21 qelontoV ] + kai
20.26 dioti ] dio
21.40 prosefwnei ] prosefwnhse
22.12 eusebhV ] eulabhV
22.12 katoikountwn ] + en damaskw
22.20 autou [kai] ] autou --
26.21 oi ioudaioi me ] me oi ioudaioi
28.11 hcqhmen ] anhcqhmen
7.7 nomou ] nomon
11.23 o qeoV estin ] estin o qeoV
12.2 suschmatizesqai ] suschmatizesqe
12.2 metamorfousqai ] metamorfousqe
13.9 [ou yeudomarturhseiV] ] --
16.1 de umin ] de --
4.6 enoV ] + mh
5.11 nun ] nuni
6.16 [h] ] --
8.5 epi [thV] ] epi --
3.14 o ti ] oti
7.11 ekdikhsin ] + en
11.4 hneicesqe ] aneicesqe
1.8 euaggelizhtai ] euaggelizetai
2.9 [men] ] --
5.4 exepesate ] exepesete
5.14 eauton ] seauton
5.21 cristou ] qeou
6.8 o ] --
3.1 de ] + to
1.14 [dia tou aimatoV autou] ] --
4.16 laodikaiwn ] laodikewn
4.1 [to] loipon ] -- loipon
4.6 proeipomen ] proeipamen
1.12 hmwn ihsou [cristou] ] hmwn ihsou --
6.19 aiwniou ] ainwiou
1.1 ihsou cristou ] cristou ihsou
2.4 strateuomenoV ] srateuomenoV
4.13 felonhn ] failonhn
5.4 alla ] all + o
6.10 enedeixasqe ] endeixasqe
10.17 amartiwn autwn ] amartiwn --
11.9 eiV [thn] ] eiV --
12.7 uioV estin ] estin uioV
12.24 ton ] to
5.11 idete ] eidete
1.17 aproswpolhmptwV ] aproswpolhptwV
2.12 autwn ] + kai
1.4 a [estin] ] a --
1.13 uiw ] uion
1.14 leukai ] + kai
1.18 kleiV ] kleidaV
1.20 kai ai epta ] kai ai --
1.20 [aV eideV] ] ai epta
2.7 mesw tou paradeisou ] tw paradeisw
2.10 pascein ] paqein
2.10 hmerwn ] hmeraV
2.13 hmeraiV [en] ] hmeraiV --
2.15 twn ] --
2.17 fagein [apo] ] --
3.1 oti ] kai
3.2 sthrison ] thrhson
3.3 gnwV ] gnwsh
3.12 ek ] apo
3.19 zhlwson ] zhleue
4.1 legousa ] legwn
4.2 kai euqewV ] -- euqewV
4.3 orasei smaragdinw ] orasiV smaragdinwn
4.4 kai kukloqen ] -- kukloqen
4.4 qronoi kd ] qronoi eikosi tessareV
4.4 touV kd ] touV eikosi tessaraV
4.7 to proswpon wV anqrwpoV ] proswpon anqrwpou
4.7 tetarton [zwon] ] tetarton --
4.8 agioV agioV agioV ] + agioV agioV agioV agioV agioV agioV
4.10 kd ] eikosi tessareV
4.11 [ta] ] --
4.11 eisin ] hsan
5.5 anoixai ] o anoigwn
5.8 kd ] eikosi tessareV
5.8 eisin [ai] ] eisi --
5.13 o [estin] ] o --
5.13 tou qronou ] tw qronw
6.10 fwnh megalh ] fwnhn megalhn
6.11 ekastw ] --
6.11 [ou] ] --
6.13 elissomenon ] elissomenoV
6.15 douloV kai [paV] ] douloV kai --
6.16 tou qronou ] tw qronw
7.4 esfragismenoi ] esfragismenwn
7.5 [esfragismenoi] ] esfragismenai
7.5 roubim ib ] roubim dwdeka
7.5 gad ib ] gad dwdeka
7.6 ashr ib ] ashr dwdeka
7.6 nefqaleim ib ] nefqaleim dwdeka
7.6 manassh ib ] manassh dwdeka
7.7 sumewn ib ] sumewn dwdeka
7.7 leui ib ] leui dwdeka
7.7 isacar ib ] isacar dwdeka
7.8 zaboulwn ib ] zaboulwn dwdeka
7.8 iwshf ib ] iwshf dwdeka
7.8 beniamin ib ] beniamin dwdeka
7.8 esfragismenoi ] esfragismenai
7.14 [autaV] ] --
7.17 poimanei ] poimainei
7.17 odhghsei ] odhgei
8.3 dwsh ] dwsei
8.12 h hmera mh fainh to triton authV ] to triton authV mh fanh h hmera
8.13 toiV katoikousin ] touV katoikountaV
9.14 legousan ] legontoV
9.18 apo ] upo
9.21 farmakeiwn ] farmakwn
10.6 wmosen [en] ] wmose --
10.11 legei ] legousi
11.1 egeirai ] egeire
11.4 estwsai ] estwteV
11.6 exousian kleisai ton ouranon ] ton ouranon exousian kleisai
11.6 en pash plhgh osakiV ean qelhswsin ] osakiV ean qelhswsin en pash plhgh
11.8 ta ptwmata ] to ptwma
11.13 kai en ] -- en
11.15 legousai ] legonteV
11.16 kaqhmenoi ] oi kaqhntai
11.19 hnoigh ] hnoicqh
12.12 eufrainesqe [oi] ] eufrainesqe --
13.4 omoioV tw qhriw kai ] omoioV tw qhriw --
13.8 autw ] auton
13.10 en macaira apoktenei dei auton en macaira apoktanqhnai ] en macaira -- dei auton -- -- apoktanqhnai
13.14 eicen thn ] eice --
13.14 thV macairaV kai ezhsen ] kai ezhsen apo thV macairaV
13.16 dwsin ] dwswsin
13.16 twn metwpwn ] to metwpon
13.18 estin [kai] o ariqmoV autou [estin] ] estin -- o ariqmoV autou --
14.4 an ] ean
14.5 en tw stomati autwn ouc eureqh ] ouc eureqh en tw stomati autwn
14.7 qeon ] kurion
14.7 tw poihsanti ] auton ton poihsanta
14.8 [epesen] epesen ] -- epese
14.12 estin [wde] ] estin --
14.13 legoushV [moi] ] legoushV --
14.14 uiw ] uion
14.18 efwnhsen ] + en
14.18 hkmasan ai stafulai authV ] hkmasen h stafulh thV ghV
14.19 ebalen ] exebalen
15.2 econtaV ] + taV
15.4 panta ta eqnh ] panteV
15.6 [ek tou naou] ] --
15.8 naoV ] + ek tou
16.3 zwsa ] --
16.4 [aggeloV] ] --
16.5 hn o ] hn --
16.8 aggeloV ] --
16.10 [aggeloV] ] --
16.12 [aggeloV] ] --
16.13 tria akaqarta ] akaqarta tria
16.16 armagedwn ] magedwn
16.17 [aggeloV] ] --
16.18 seismoV [egeneto] ] seismoV --
16.21 authV ] auth
17.3 to ] --
17.4 porneiaV authV ] porneiaV thV ghV
17.6 mequousan ek ] mequousan --
17.6 agiwn [kai] ] agiwn --
17.8 epi thV ghV ] thn ghn
17.8 ta onomata ] to onoma
17.8 epi to biblion ] epi tou bibliou
17.10 basileiV epta eisin ] basileiV eisin epta
17.11 autoV ] outoV
17.13 dunamin kai thn ] dunamin kai --
17.18 basilewn epi ] basilewn --
18.1 [kai] meta ] -- meta
18.2 ekraxen [en] ] ekraxe --
18.2 [epesen] epesen ] -- epesen
18.3 peptwkasin ] pepwkasi
18.5 emnhmoneusen ] + authV
18.6 [umin] ] --
18.6 auth dipla ] ta dipla wV kai auth kai
18.6 pothriw ] + authV
18.7 eauthn ] authn
18.8 qanatoV kai ] qanatoV --
18.14 ou mh eurhV auta ] auta ou mh eurhV
18.15 basanismou authV ] + kai
18.16 bussinon ] busson
18.23 eti oti ] eti --
19.1 [kai] meta ] -- meta
19.2 [thV] ] --
19.4 tou qronou ] tw qronw
19.9 to ] ton
19.13 kaleitai ] keklhtai
19.17 [ena] ] --
19.17 ekraxen ] + en
19.17 eiV to ] eiV ton
19.17 to mega ] ton megan
19.19 poihsai ] + ton
20.3 eth kai ] eth --
20.3 auton luqhnai ] luqhnai auton
20.4 tw qhriw ] to qhrion
20.4 oute ] oude
20.4 metwpon [autwn] ] metwpon --
20.7 otan telesqh ] meta
20.9 ekuklwsan ] ekukleusan
20.12 hnewcqhsan ] hnoixan
20.13 autwn ] autou
21.1 parhlqen ] aphlqon
21.3 estai met autwn ] met autwn estai
21.4 exaleiyei ] ap autwn
21.4 aphlqon ] aphlqen
21.5 moi ] --
21.5 logoi alhqinoi kai pistoi eisin ] logoi pistoi kai alhqinoi tou qeou eisi
21.6 gegona [egw] ] gegona --
21.6 w ] + kai
21.6 dwsw ] + autw
21.7 klhronomhsei ] dwsw autw
21.10 [thn megalhn] ] --
21.10 apo ] ek
21.12 dwdeka ] dekaduo
21.12 fulwn [twn] ] fulwn --
21.16 dwdeka ciliadwn [dwdeka] ] dekaduo ciliadwn dwdeka
21.17 emetrhsen ] --
21.19 [kai] ] --
21.20 sardioV ] sardion
21.23 h gar ] gar h
21.26 authn ] + ina eiselqwsi
21.27 poioun ] o poiwn
22.1 kaqaron ] --
22.2 kai enteuqen ] kai ekeiqen
22.2 ekaston apodidouV ] apodidouV ekaston
22.3 ekei ] eti
22.3 latreusousin ] latreuousin
22.5 ekei ] --
22.5 creian ouk ecousin lucnou kai fwtoV hliou ] ou creia lucnou kai fwtoV
22.8 ebleya ] ote eidon
22.8 deiknuontoV ] deiknuntoV
22.15 paV ] + o
22.18 [epta] ] --
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